What You Can do to Stay Safe While Driving in Bad Weather

Utah, it’s a state of breathtaking scenery and beautiful seasons, but with it’s beauty also comes unique challenges due to Utah’s diverse weather conditions. From snow covered mountains to scorching hot deserts, a driver in Utah must be prepared for various weather-related hazards. If you are driving in Utah it is crucial that you are prepared for any adverse weather conditions. In this article we will be diving into what dangers weather conditions can cause, as well as what you can do to keep yourself safe.

Winter Weather: Snow and Ice

The Dangers of Driving in Snow

Reduced Traction: While snow is beautiful to look at it can be extremely dangerous to drive in, primarily due to reduced traction. Driving through snow and ice greatly reduces tire traction leading to a much high risk of your car skidding and sliding out of control. You are especially at risk driving in snow on hills and turns as these are the most common places to lose control.

Black Ice: Black ice is a nearly invisible layer of ice that hides on the street. This ice is formed when temperatures hover around freezing, creating a thin, transparent layer of ice on the road. Black ice is especially dangerous when driving at night as it can be completely invisible. Black ice is extremely slippery and can cause you to lose control of your vehicle if you are unaware of its presence.

Poor Visibility: Falling snow can deeply impact visibility. This loss of visibility can make it difficult to see other vehicles, gauge distances it takes to stop, see road signs, and other hazards on the road.

What You Can do to Stay Safe:

  • Slow Down: The first step you should take when driving in the snow is to slow down. When traveling in the snow it is important you drive at a speed you feel comfortable driving at, if you need to drive under the speed limit then drive under the speed limit. With lessened traction and poor visibility lowering your speed grants you more time to stop your vehicle and make any adjustments you may need to keep yourself safe. 
  • Increase Following Distance: It is critical for your safety to give yourself extra space between your car and the vehicle that you are following. The average following distance you should have is 2-3 seconds behind another vehicle. In snowy weather, AAA recommends increasing your following distance to 5-6 seconds to give yourself plenty of time to account for how much longer it takes to stop your vehicle.
  • Use Winter Tires: For an added layer of protection consider taking the time to equip your car with either winter tires or snow chains. These tire enhancements are designed to be your best defense against poor traction and will help give you better traction on snowy or icy roads.
  • Brake Gently: Driving in the snow can be stressful but it is important to stay level headed and not slam on your brakes. Applying gentle pressure on your brakes will help avoid skidding, and if your car has anti-lock brakes make sure that you apply steady pressure while you press your pedal down.
  • Stay Informed: Our Utah car accident lawyers strongly advise that you check all weather forecasts beforehand. Monitoring the weather and road conditions can help you avoid dense traffic which can result in accidents. If the reports are saying the weather is severe, consider delaying your trip until things have cleared up.

Rain and Wet Roads

How Wet Roads and Heavy Rain can be Dangerous:

Hydroplaning: An excess of water on the road can cause your tires to lose contact with the surface of the street, leading to a loss of control. Hydroplaning can be extremely dangerous as it can result in a complete loss of control and a high risk of getting into an accident.

Reduced Visibility: Torrential rain can greatly obscure your vision. When rainfall is heavy windshield wipers may not be able to keep up, making it difficult to see the road ahead as well as other vehicles.

Slick Surfaces: Oil, tar, and other substances on the road can mix with rainwater, creating a slick surface that can increase the amount of time needed to stop your vehicle.

Staying Safe Driving in the Rain:

  • Reduce Speed: As a rule of thumb, if the weather is bad, slow down! Slowing down is key in preventing hydroplaning and will also help you maintain better control of your vehicle. Slow speed also allows you to react to any sudden movements or issues in the road that may occur, giving you ample time to react.
  • Use Headlights: In the rain, regardless of how bright it is outside, turning on your headlights can improve visibility, not only for yourself but for those around you. 
  • Avoid Sudden Movements: In the rain a sudden movement can careen you out of control. Whether it is steering, braking, or accelerating, try to do so gently in order to maintain control. 
  • Maintain Tires: Good tires are essential for safe travel. Ensuring that your tires have adequate tread depth to channel water away from the contact patch and keeping your grip on the road.

Extreme Heat

The Dangers of Traveling in Heat

Tire Blowouts: With high temperatures comes a higher risk of your tires blowing out. This risk increases even more if your tires are underinflated.

Overheating: In the sunlight your vehicle’s engine and other components face a high risk of overheating, especially in extreme heat conditions.

Staying Safe in the Heat

  • Check Tire Pressure: Your tires should be properly inflated when driving, especially in a heat wave. Adequate tire pressure is necessary to reduce your chances of heat popping a tire.
  • Maintain Your Vehicle: When you leave for a trip you should check to make sure that your fluid levels are at the proper levels. Proper coolant levels are essential to maintaining your engine and ensuring that your vehicle does not overheat.
  • Plan Ahead: Before you leave, check the weather forecast ahead of time and consider leaving earlier or later to avoid driving during the hottest parts of the day. 

Reach Out to a Utah Car Accident Lawyer

Despite taking all necessary precautions and following all safety tips, accidents can still happen. When an accident occurs due to poor weather conditions it is crucial that you seek the assistance of a Utah car accident lawyer. At LifeLaw Personal Injury, our Salt Lake City car accident lawyers know the legal world inside and out and know the best route to compensation if you were involved in an accident due to weather conditions. Our Salt Lake City car accident lawyers will work tirelessly for you to ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve.

While Utah is a beautiful place, it does not come without its challenges. Driving through Utah’s varied weather conditions requires patience, awareness, and most of all, caution. By taking these steps to reduce your risks of getting into an accident, you can significantly lower your chances of getting into an accident. If an accident does occur, do not hesitate to reach out to the car accident experts at LifeLaw Personal Injury. Let our Utah car accident lawyers take care of your case and fret over every detail so you can focus on what is really important, your recovery. If you were injured by the negligence of someone else, give us a call today for a free consultation, and to discuss your options further.